Haynes Manual for your VW!

Product Description
New Old Stock of this long ago discontinued manual. Covers may be imperfect but inside is clean and complete. UK Models covered: 1973-October 1975 Volkswagon Passat, all models (1296cc & 1471cc); USA Models: 1973-October 1975 Volkswagon Dasher, all models (89.7 cu in (1471 cc).
Haynes Owners Workshop Manuals are written with the home mechanic in mind who does not have the luxury of a well equipped workshop nor factory service tools. Each manual covers a specific make and model. A second hand example is purchased and is used as the basis for the manual. Before overhaul begins the author undertakes considerable research into the model range and modification history talking with the manufacturers, dealers, repair specialists and owners. Each manual presents the dimantling, overhaul and reassembly in a logical sequence describing the component parts in the minutest detail, also included are comprehensive specifications and extensive fault finding charts together with details of routine maintenance.
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