PerTronix Distributor

Billet Distributor for 4 cyl British Applications
Billet Distributor for 4 cyl British Applications
Item# PE-D176600
Regular price: $354.22
Sale price: $279.96
Availability: Usually ships the same business day

Product Description

PerTronix distributor including new vacuum advance & Ignitor eletronic ignition. Special attention has been paid to the advance curve to optimize performance and drivability. This distributor fits British A & B series four cylinder engines. This distributor is "Plug N' Play" design with only two wires to connect for easy installation. For use in 12 volt, negative ground,negative earth applications. Replace your tired old Lucas Distributor for the A or B series engine.

Be certain to select distributor you need by cap style (top entry is more common), from the drop-down menu below. D176600 or D176609